(5sqrt(5) * (2 - 4sqrt(6)))/2

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To simplify the expression (5sqrt(5) * (2 - 4sqrt(6)))/2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the multiplication:
(5sqrt(5) * 2) - (5sqrt(5) * 4sqrt(6)) / 2

Step 2: Simplify each term separately:
10sqrt(5) - (20sqrt(5)sqrt(6)) / 2

Step 3: Combine like terms:
10sqrt(5) - 10sqrt(5)sqrt(6)

Step 4: Factor out common term:
10sqrt(5)(1 - sqrt(6))

To simplify the expression (5√5 * (2 - 4√6))/2, we can first distribute the 5√5 to the terms inside the parentheses.

(5√5 * 2) - (5√5 * 4√6) / 2

This simplifies to:

10√5 - 20√30 / 2

Now, we can simplify the fraction by dividing each term by 2:

5√5 - 10√30

Thus, the simplified expression is 5√5 - 10√30.

To simplify the expression (5√5 * (2 - 4√6))/2, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Distribute the 5√5
(5√5 * 2) - (5√5 * 4√6))/2

Step 2: Simplify each term individually
Term 1: (5 * 2√5) = 10√5
Term 2: (5 * 4√6) = 20√6

Step 3: Combine the simplified terms
10√5 - 20√6)/2

Step 4: Divide each term by 2
10√5/2 - 20√6/2

Step 5: Simplify the divided terms
Term 1: 10√5/2 = 5√5
Term 2: 20√6/2 = 10√6

Step 6: Combine the simplified terms
5√5 - 10√6

Therefore, the simplified expression is 5√5 - 10√6.