What must all stories do?

Engage the audience with dialogue or an action scenario
Answer the 5w's and the h
Have an impact-action ending
Introduce the human face of the news

Create a compelling narrative or plot

Include characters or subjects that the audience can connect with
Provide some form of conflict or tension
Evoke emotion or provoke thought in the audience
Have a clear beginning, middle, and end

All stories must fulfill a few key requirements:

1. Engage the audience: Stories should capture the audience's attention by including dialogue or an action scenario that makes them curious or emotionally invested.

2. Answer the 5W's and the H: A good story needs to address the fundamental questions of who, what, when, where, why, and how. This helps provide a comprehensive understanding of the subject matter.

3. Have an impact-action ending: A story should leave a lasting impression on the audience by concluding with a significant or thought-provoking action or event. This helps ensure that the story resonates with readers or viewers.

4. Introduce the human face of the news: By including personal anecdotes or highlighting the experiences of individuals involved, stories become relatable and help humanize the larger issues being reported.

These elements are essential to creating a well-rounded and engaging story that captivates the audience and effectively conveys the intended message.

To determine what all stories must do, we can look at the fundamentals of storytelling. Here are the key elements that every story should have:

1. Engage the audience: Stories need to capture the attention and interest of the audience. This can be achieved by starting with an engaging dialogue or action scenario that immediately draws the readers or viewers into the narrative.

2. Answer the 5W's and the H: A story should provide answers to the fundamental questions of journalism - who, what, when, where, why, and how. These questions help provide a comprehensive understanding of the events or topics being covered.

3. Have an impact-action ending: A good story should leave an impact on its audience. It should prompt some form of action or response from the readers or viewers. This could be a call to action, a change in perspective, or an emotional response.

4. Introduce the human face of the news: Stories that connect with the audience on a deeper level often have a human element. By introducing real people and their experiences, stories become relatable and emotionally resonant. This human aspect adds depth and authenticity to the narrative.

By incorporating these elements into storytelling, journalists and writers can create compelling and impactful stories that effectively engage their audience.