Which feature of Greece’s geography explains the ancient Greeks’ need for trade?

(1 point)

the mountainous landscape

the mountainous landscape

the dry summer climate

the dry summer climate

the location along the seacoast

the location along the seacoast

the location along the boundary between Asia and Europe

the location along the seacoast

The feature of Greece's geography that explains the ancient Greeks' need for trade is the location along the seacoast.

The feature of Greece's geography that explains the ancient Greeks' need for trade is the location along the seacoast. To understand why, let's analyze the other options:

1. The mountainous landscape: While the mountainous landscape of Greece was a notable feature, it actually made transportation and communication more challenging. The rugged terrain hindered overland trade and limited the ability to establish large-scale agricultural activities.

2. The dry summer climate: Although Greece does experience a dry summer climate, it was not a primary factor that drove the ancient Greeks' need for trade. It may have influenced their reliance on trade for food and resources, but it wasn't the main geographical feature.

3. The location along the boundary between Asia and Europe: While the location of Greece along the boundary between Asia and Europe certainly played a role in its historical significance, it did not directly explain the ancient Greeks' need for trade.

The key reason for the ancient Greeks' need for trade was their location along the seacoast. Greece's numerous islands and its peninsular shape meant that the ancient Greeks had easy access to maritime trade routes. This proximity to the Mediterranean Sea and its connection to other civilizations facilitated trade and cultural exchange. The Greeks became skilled sailors and developed a strong maritime tradition, which enabled them to engage in trade and establish colonies throughout the Mediterranean region.

Which generalization can be made about the location of ancient Greek settlements?

(1 point)

Settlements were located in the lowlands where the land was fertile and could be farmed.

Settlements were located in the lowlands where the land was fertile and could be farmed.

Settlements were located in the mountainous regions where it was rocky and steep.

Settlements were located in the mountainous regions where it was rocky and steep.

Settlements were formed in areas where there was a lot of rain during the summer months.

Settlements were formed in areas where there was a lot of rain during the summer months.

Settlements were formed mostly in inland areas of the peninsula.