Which feature of Greece’s geography explains the ancient Greeks’ need for trade? *

A. the mountainous landscape

B. the dry summer climate
C. the location along the seacoast
D. the location along the boundary between Asia and Europe

C! I know this because I've done this before

hey bot

what are the answers

idk which one to trust

The feature of Greece's geography that explains the ancient Greeks' need for trade is its lack of natural resources. Greece is known for its rugged terrain, consisting mostly of mountains and rocky landscapes. As a result, Greece was not rich in natural resources such as metals, timber, and fertile land for agriculture.

To understand this, you can do the following steps:

1. Research Greece's geography: Start by learning about the geographic characteristics of Greece, including its terrain, mountains, and rocky landscapes.

2. Understand the impact of geography on resources: Explore how the physical geography of Greece influenced the availability and accessibility of natural resources. Recognize that due to the mountainous terrain, large-scale farming and extraction of resources were challenging.

3. Explore the lack of natural resources: Investigate the limited availability of essential resources like metals, timber, and arable land within Greece itself.

4. Recognize the importance of trade: Once you understand the scarcity of resources in Greece, assess the significance of trade for the ancient Greeks. Without abundant resources, the ancient Greeks had to rely on trade to acquire the goods they needed.

By examining these factors, you will discover that the ancient Greeks heavily relied on trade to obtain the resources they lacked within their own territory, illustrating the significance of Greece's geography in explaining their need for trade.


Dry summer climate
Located in lowlands
Influenced by minoans

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