Which sentence contains coordinate adjectives? (1 point)

The grass tickets the bottoms of robert's warm bare feet

The road leads to a wide-open grass field where Rohan loves to run barefoot

The road is bumpy, curvy, long.

The windy dirt road is hard to navigate on a bicycle.

The road is bumpy, curvy, long.

The sentence that contains coordinate adjectives is: "The road is bumpy, curvy, long."

To identify coordinate adjectives in a sentence, you need to look for multiple adjectives that modify the same noun independently. Coordinate adjectives are separated by commas or the word "and." Let's analyze each sentence to find out which one contains coordinate adjectives:

1. The grass tickets the bottoms of Robert's warm bare feet.
- This sentence does not contain coordinate adjectives. "Robert's warm bare feet" is a noun phrase modified by the adjectives "warm" and "bare."

2. The road leads to a wide-open grass field where Rohan loves to run barefoot.
- This sentence does not have coordinate adjectives. "Wide-open" functions as a compound adjective modifying the noun "grass field."

3. The road is bumpy, curvy, long.
- This sentence contains coordinate adjectives. The adjectives "bumpy," "curvy," and "long" are separated by commas, indicating that they independently modify the noun "road."

4. The windy dirt road is hard to navigate on a bicycle.
- This sentence does not have coordinate adjectives. "Windy" and "dirt" are both adjectives modifying the noun "road," but they are not separated by a comma or the word "and."

Therefore, the sentence that contains coordinate adjectives is: "The road is bumpy, curvy, long."