Which phrase best describes frost wedging? (1 point)

A type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes
A type of erosion that occurs due to friction
A type of physical weathering that occurs due friction
A type of erosion that occurs due to temperature changes

A type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes

The phrase that best describes frost wedging is: A type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes.

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand the process of frost wedging. Frost wedging is a type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes. It takes place in environments with freezing temperatures. Here's how to arrive at the answer:

1. Read the options: A, B, C, and D.
2. Identify the term "frost wedging" in the question.
3. Understand that frost wedging refers to a specific process.
4. Break down the process of frost wedging: It involves physical weathering.
5. Identify the factors involved in frost wedging: temperature changes.
6. Match the description of frost wedging with the given options.
7. Determine that option A, "A type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes," accurately describes frost wedging.

Therefore, the correct answer is: A type of physical weathering that occurs due to temperature changes.