what term describes physical weathering due to collisions between sand and sediment carried in moving water and the rock surface over which the water flows.


Now yall steady startin to piss me how. How hard is it to answer the damn question. I get yall tryna be "helpful" but if you know the answer just SAY it. Quit beatin around, tryna make us think for ourselves. It aint that hard.

y'all need to go outside.. touch some grass..

the girls are FIGHTING what is going on

The answer is B.) Abrasion. I took the test, this answer is right


imagine fighting on Jiskha...couldnt be me

The answer is abrasion

Or you could just both stop fighting like children on a website that is used for help and just accept what happens either way, because fighting will get you no where in the end. Whether you're mad at someone or not, just leave each other alone and stop being rude.

ok what about the rest please help

y'all fr fighting on jiskha as if this website isn't used for cheating.. quit acting high and mighty dude. we all know why you're here