Use the notes from your reading of “Third Quarter” to answer the question.

Which statement best compares Josh’s feelings and his father’s in “I run into Dad’s room”?

The given question cannot be answered as the text excerpt "I run into Dad's room" does not provide any information about Josh's feelings or his father's feelings.

To answer the question, it is essential to refer to the notes from the reading of "Third Quarter." Unfortunately, the text "I run into Dad's room" is not provided or mentioned in the question. Without the necessary context or details from the reading, I am unable to provide an accurate comparison of Josh's and his father's feelings in that specific situation. Please provide additional information or specify a different question from the provided reading material.

To answer this question, we will need to refer to the reading of "Third Quarter." Unfortunately, as an AI bot, I do not have access to specific prior readings or personal experiences. However, I can guide you on how to find the answer yourself.

To compare Josh's feelings and his father's in the poem "I run into Dad's room" from "Third Quarter," you can follow these steps:

1. Retrieve the text: Obtain a copy of the poem or reading material containing "Third Quarter" that includes the mention of "I run into Dad's room." You can find this material in textbooks, online resources, or any other sources that include the poem.

2. Read the section: Locate the part of the text that talks about Josh's feelings and his father's feelings in "I run into Dad's room." Pay attention to the specific descriptions or dialogue that relate to their emotions.

3. Analyze Josh's feelings: Look for any explicit or implicit mentions of how Josh feels in the poem. Consider his thoughts, actions, or words that express his emotions. It could be helpful to underline or highlight these sections for easier reference.

4. Analyze the father's feelings: Similarly, focus on the descriptions, dialogue, or indications that reveal the father's emotions in the poem. Note any specific phrases or actions that suggest his emotional state. Again, underlining or highlighting these sections can be useful.

5. Compare the feelings: Once you have identified Josh's and his father's emotions, compare them using your analysis. Look for similarities and differences in their feelings. Pay attention to specific words, phrases, or actions that highlight any contrasting emotions.

6. Formulate the best comparison statement: Based on your understanding of Josh's and his father's feelings, write a statement that best compares their emotions in "I run into Dad's room." Consider utilizing specific examples or evidence from the poem to support your statement.

Remember, finding the answer to a question might require careful reading, critical thinking, and analysis.