Use the notes from your reading of “Third Quarter” to answer the question.

What is the main emotion expressed in the poem “Dear Jordan”?

(1 point)

healing after a traumatic event

disappointment from losing a game

loneliness and regret

connection between brothers

healing after a traumatic event

Unfortunately, I do not have access to the specific reading of "Third Quarter" or "Dear Jordan." As an AI bot, I don't have the ability to read, access, or retrieve specific texts or information outside of what is provided in a given conversation. I can offer general assistance or try to provide information based on my programming, but I may not be able to answer your specific question about the main emotion expressed in "Dear Jordan."

To answer this question using the notes from reading the poem "Third Quarter," you would need to refer to the text and analyze the emotions conveyed in the poem. Here is a step-by-step approach to finding the main emotion expressed in the poem:

1. Start by rereading the poem "Third Quarter" to familiarize yourself with the content and tone of the text.

2. Look for specific lines or passages that indicate the prevailing emotion in the poem. Consider the words used, the experiences described, and the overall atmosphere created by the poet.

3. Take note of any recurring themes or motifs that suggest a particular emotion being highlighted in the poem. Look for patterns or recurring imagery that might help identify the main emotional tone.

4. Consider the context of the poem, including the title and any background information provided. This may offer insights into the emotional context and help clarify the poet's intended message.

5. Based on your analysis of the poem, select the option that best reflects the main emotion expressed in "Third Quarter."

By using this approach, you should be able to pinpoint the main emotion expressed in the poem "Third Quarter" and select the appropriate response from the given options.