The term referring to the specialized vocabulary used among people in a technical, scientific, or professional field:

The term referring to the specialized vocabulary used among people in a technical, scientific, or professional field is jargon.

The term referring to the specialized vocabulary used among people in a technical, scientific, or professional field is called "jargon." Jargon is a set of terms and phrases that are unique to a particular domain or industry and may not be widely understood by people outside of that field. This specialized terminology is used to facilitate communication and convey precise meanings among professionals who share a common knowledge base.

To find the answer to this question, you could start by conducting a simple internet search using keywords such as "specialized vocabulary technical field" or "jargon in scientific or professional fields." This will lead you to various resources such as dictionaries, glossaries, or articles that discuss the concept of jargon and provide examples from specific industries or fields. Additionally, you could consult domain-specific books, journals, or publications related to a particular field of interest to explore the jargon used within that specific domain.

The term you are referring to is "jargon." Jargon consists of words and phrases that are specific to a particular field or profession and may not be easily understood by individuals outside of that field. It is often used to facilitate communication within a specialized community of professionals or experts.