Which trade route was too distant from East and West Africa to be used?(1 point)


Silk Road
Silk Road

Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean Sea


Black Sea

Black Sea

The trade route that was too distant from East and West Africa to be used is the Silk Road.

To find this answer, you can start by eliminating the options that are either closer to East and West Africa or not trade routes at all.

The Mediterranean Sea is not a trade route but rather a body of water that connects Africa, Europe, and Asia. Crossings of the Mediterranean Sea were actually used as a major trade route during ancient times.

The trans-Saharan trade route, on the other hand, is a historically significant trade route that connected sub-Saharan West Africa with North Africa and the Mediterranean. This trade route was primarily used for goods such as gold, salt, and slaves but could not be used when trade involved areas beyond the Sahara desert.

The Black Sea is also not the correct answer, as it is located in the eastern part of Europe and is connected to several trade routes such as the Silk Road and the Mediterranean Sea.

Therefore, the correct answer is the Silk Road, as it was the trade route that was too distant for East and West Africa to use.

The trade route that was too distant from East and West Africa to be used is the Black Sea trade route.