Which option best describes a demographic result of high levels of emigration from a country?(1 point) Responses Emigration raises the net migration for a country, which brings demographic benefits. Emigration raises the net migration for a country, which brings demographic benefits. Emigration can create a population with a lower average age overall. Emigration can create a population with a lower average age overall. Emigration often involves highly skilled workers leaving a country, leading to brain drain. Emigration often involves highly skilled workers leaving a country, leading to brain drain. Emigration leads to a higher number of workers, which can lower wages.

Emigration can create a population with a lower average age overall.

The option that best describes a demographic result of high levels of emigration from a country is: Emigration can create a population with a lower average age overall.

To understand this, we need to consider the concept of emigration. Emigration refers to the act of leaving one's country to settle permanently in another. When a significant number of people emigrate from a country, it can have various demographic consequences.

In this case, emigration can create a population with a lower average age overall. This is because people who choose to migrate are often younger individuals seeking better opportunities, such as employment or education, in another country. This leads to a disproportionately higher number of younger individuals leaving compared to older individuals, which can result in a lower average age for the remaining population in the country of origin.

It is important to note that the other options mentioned in the question also have some correlation to emigration but may not be as directly related to the demographic consequences. For example, the option "Emigration raises the net migration for a country, which brings demographic benefits" is true in the sense that emigration can contribute to the overall net migration statistics, but it does not specifically address the demographic consequences.

Remember, the best way to answer questions like this is to break them down and understand the concepts involved. In this case, understanding the concept of emigration and its potential demographic effects helped us identify the correct option.

Emigration can create a population with a lower average age overall.