Which ratio is equivalent to 978

It is not possible to determine which ratio is equivalent to the number 978 without more information. Ratios typically compare two quantities, so we would need a second number or quantity to compare with 978 in order to find an equivalent ratio.

To find a ratio equivalent to 978, we need to specify the relationship between two quantities. A ratio expresses the relative sizes of two or more values.

If we want to find a ratio that is equivalent to 978, we can choose any two numbers that have a common factor with 978.

For example, let's choose 978 and 9. Both numbers have a common factor of 9. To simplify the ratio, we can divide both numbers by their common factor:

978 ÷ 9 = 108
9 ÷ 9 = 1

So, the equivalent ratio to 978 would be 108:1, or simply 108.

To determine the equivalent ratio of 978, we need additional information. A ratio consists of two numbers separated by a colon (:), which represents a comparison between two quantities. Please provide the second number or the desired comparison in order to find an equivalent ratio.