Graphing Linear Equations Unit Test

1. Write the ratio 12:9 as an equivalent ratio of 4:x

To find the equivalent ratio, we need to find the value of x that makes the two ratios equivalent.

We can do this by setting up a proportion using the given ratio:

12/9 = 4/x

To solve for x, cross multiply and solve for x:

12x = 4*9

12x = 36

Divide both sides by 12 to isolate x:

x = 36/12

x = 3

Therefore, the equivalent ratio of 12:9 as 4:x is 4:3.

To write the ratio 12:9 as an equivalent ratio of 4:x, we need to find the value of x that makes the ratio equivalent.

First, we can simplify the given ratio by dividing both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 3 in this case.

12 ÷ 3 = 4
9 ÷ 3 = 3

So the simplified ratio is 4:3.

Now, we need to find the value of x that makes the ratio 4:3 equivalent to 4:x.

To do this, we can set up a proportion by cross-multiplying:
4/3 = 4/x

Cross-multiplying gives us:
4x = 4 * 3

Simplifying the right side of the equation:
4x = 12

Dividing both sides by 4:
x = 12/4

Simplifying the right side:
x = 3

Therefore, the equivalent ratio to 12:9 as 4:x is 4:3.

To solve this problem, we need to find the value of x that makes the ratio 12:9 equivalent to 4:x.

First, let's simplify the ratio 12:9. We can do this by dividing both numbers by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, the GCD of 12 and 9 is 3.

Dividing both 12 and 9 by 3, we get:
12 ÷ 3 = 4
9 ÷ 3 = 3

So, the simplified ratio is 4:3.

Now, we need to find an equivalent ratio for 4:3 with a missing value for x. Since we know that the ratio is equivalent, we can set up the following equation:

4/3 = 4/x

To solve for x, we can cross-multiply:

4x = 4 * 3

4x = 12

Now, we can solve for x by dividing both sides of the equation by 4:

x = 12/4

x = 3

Therefore, the ratio 12:9 is equivalent to 4:3, and the missing value for x is 3.