Match the disease by the type of pathogen.

Virus Bacteria Fungus

Strep throat

common cold


pink eye

chicken pox

athlete's foot

Virus: common cold, flu, pink eye, chicken pox

Bacteria: strep throat
Fungus: athlete's foot

Strep throat - Bacteria

Common cold - Virus

Flu - Virus

Pink eye - Virus or Bacteria

Chicken pox - Virus

Athlete's foot - Fungus

To match the diseases with the type of pathogen, we need to understand which diseases are caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Here's how to determine the type of pathogen for each disease:

1. Strep throat: This disease is caused by bacteria, specifically Streptococcus pyogenes.

2. Common cold: The common cold is primarily caused by viruses, most commonly rhinoviruses.

3. Flu (influenza): Influenza is also caused by viruses, specifically influenza viruses.

4. Pink eye (conjunctivitis): Pink eye can be caused by different sources like viruses, bacteria, or allergies. However, the most common cause is viruses, such as adenovirus.

5. Chickenpox: This condition is caused by the varicella-zoster virus, making it a viral infection.

6. Athlete's foot: Athlete's foot is a fungal infection, caused by different types of fungi, usually from the genus Trichophyton or Epidermophyton.

So, here's the matching of diseases with their respective pathogens:

- Strep throat: Bacteria
- Common cold: Virus
- Flu: Virus
- Pink eye: Virus (usually), but can also be caused by bacteria or allergies.
- Chickenpox: Virus
- Athlete's foot: Fungus