If the expression 7^15 was simplified using the power rule of exponents which of the following would be an expanded equivalent expression?

The power rule of exponents states that when raising a power to another power, you multiply the exponents.

To apply the power rule of exponents to the expression 7^15, we can rewrite it as (7^3)^5.

Using the power rule of exponents, we multiply the exponents to get an expanded equivalent expression:

(7^3)^5 = 7^(3*5)

Therefore, an expanded equivalent expression would be 7^15.

The power rule of exponents states that when you raise a power to another power, you multiply the exponents.

So, if we simplify the expression 7^15 using the power rule of exponents, the expanded equivalent expression would be 7^(3*5), which is equal to (7^3)^5.

Therefore, the expanded equivalent expression would be (7^3)^5.

To simplify the expression 7^15 using the power rule of exponents, we apply the rule which states that when raising a power to an exponent, we multiply the exponents.

In this case, 7^15 can be expanded as:


Now, let's simplify further:

7^3 = 7 * 7 * 7 = 343

Therefore, the equivalent expanded expression would be:
