Trisha’s mom asked her to fill up the cars gas trank and gave her $30. The graph shows the total cost of gas based on the number of gallons. The point X shows the number of gallons of gasoline Trisha can purchase. State, to the nearest whole, the number of gallons of gasoline she can purchase


Based on the graph, it seems that Trisha can purchase approximately 8 gallons of gasoline with $30.

To determine the number of gallons of gasoline Trisha can purchase with $30, we need to find the corresponding point on the graph. However, the graph information is not provided in the question. Please provide the graph or the values on the graph so that I can help you calculate the number of gallons Trisha can purchase.

To determine the number of gallons of gasoline Trisha can purchase, we need to take a look at the graph mentioned. Without the graph, it's not possible to provide an exact answer. However, I can guide you through the process of finding the answer using the graph.

1. Look at the x-axis of the graph. It represents the number of gallons of gasoline.
2. Locate the point on the x-axis that corresponds to the $30 given to Trisha.
3. From that point, move vertically upwards until you intersect the line representing the total cost of gas.
4. Now, move horizontally to the y-axis to find the corresponding number of gallons.

Following these steps on the actual graph will allow you to find the nearest whole number of gallons that Trisha can purchase with her $30.