Which option describes a synonym? (1 point)

A. a word or phrase that has a similar meaning

B. a word or phrase that has an opposite meaning

C. a word or phrase that is unfamiliar

D. a word or phrase that is a model of something

A. a word or phrase that has a similar meaning

To identify the correct option that describes a synonym, we need to understand what a synonym is. A synonym is a word or phrase that has a similar meaning to another word or phrase.

Let's analyze each option to find the correct answer:

A. a word or phrase that has a similar meaning: This option accurately describes a synonym. Synonyms are words or phrases that share a similar meaning, and this option reflects that.

B. a word or phrase that has an opposite meaning: This option describes an antonym, not a synonym. Antonyms are words or phrases that have opposite meanings to each other.

C. a word or phrase that is unfamiliar: This option does not describe a synonym. Synonyms aren't necessarily unfamiliar; they might just have a slightly different connotation or usage compared to the original word.

D. a word or phrase that is a model of something: This option does not describe a synonym. It seems to refer to the concept of a model or example, rather than a word with a similar meaning.

Based on our analysis, option A, "a word or phrase that has a similar meaning," is the correct answer as it accurately defines a synonym.

The correct option that describes a synonym is A. a word or phrase that has a similar meaning.