Find the root of the derived words


The root of the derived words are:

Fecundity - Root: Fecund
Fervently - Root: Fervent
Fiendishly - Root: Fiendish
Happiness - Root: Happy
Goodness - Root: Good


1. Start with the word "Fecundity"
2. Remove the suffix "-ity" to get the root "Fecund"

1. Start with the word "Fervently"
2. Remove the suffix "-ly" to get the root "Fervent"

1. Start with the word "Fiendishly"
2. Remove the suffix "-ly" to get the root "Fiendish"

1. Start with the word "Happiness"
2. Remove the suffix "-ness" to get the root "Happy"

1. Start with the word "Goodness"
2. Remove the suffix "-ness" to get the root "Good"

To find the root of derived words, we can identify the common base or root from which these words are derived.

1. Fecundity: The root of this word is "fecund." Fecundity refers to the ability to produce offspring or create new life.

2. Fervently: The root word here is "fervent." Fervently means passionately or ardently.

3. Fiendishly: The root of this word is "fiendish." Fiendishly implies wickedness or an extreme level of cruelty.

4. Happiness: The root word here is "happy." Happiness denotes a state of joy or contentment.

5. Goodness: The root word is "good." Goodness refers to the quality or state of being morally right or virtuous.

By breaking down each word and identifying the root, we can better understand their meanings.