Find the root word of the derived words


The root words of the derived words are:

Fecundity - Fecund

Fervently - Fervent

Fiendishly - Fiendish

Happiness - Happy

Goodness - Good

To find the root word of a derived word, we need to identify the prefix and/or suffixes attached to the base or root word. Let's analyze each of the given words and break them down to identify the root word.

1. Fecundity:
The suffix "-ity" is typically used to form nouns from adjectives. In this case, the base word is "fecund," which means fertile or capable of producing offspring.

Root word: Fecund

2. Fervently:
The suffix "-ly" is commonly used to convert an adjective into an adverb. Here, the base word is "fervent," which means displaying strong passion or intensity.

Root word: Fervent

3. Fiendishly:
The suffix "-ly" is also used here to make an adverb. The base word is "fiendish," which means cruel or wicked.

Root word: Fiendish

4. Happiness:
The suffix "-ness" changes the adjective "happy" into a noun. In this case, the base word is "happy," which means feeling or showing joy.

Root word: Happy

5. Goodness:
Similar to "happiness," the suffix "-ness" is used to form a noun. The base word is "good," meaning possessing positive qualities or moral excellence.

Root word: Good

By breaking down each derived word and examining the affixes, we can identify the root words: Fecund, Fervent, Fiendish, Happy, and Good.

The root words of the derived words you mentioned are as follows:

1. Fecundity - Root word: Fecund
2. Fervently - Root word: Fervent
3. Fiendishly - Root word: Fiendish
4. Happiness - Root word: Happy
5. Goodness - Root word: Good