In which type of writing would it be appropriate to use informal language?(1 point)


a report presented to a committee
a report presented to a committee

a story in a magazine
a story in a magazine

an application for employment
an application for employment

an article in a scientific journal

a story in a magazine

It would be appropriate to use informal language in a story in a magazine.

In general, it would be appropriate to use informal language in writing that is meant to be conversational or casual. Based on the options provided, the type of writing that would be most suitable for informal language is "a story in a magazine."

To arrive at this answer, let's analyze the other options:
- "A report presented to a committee": This type of writing typically requires a more formal and professional tone. Therefore, informal language would not be appropriate in this context.
- "An application for employment": When applying for a job, it is essential to maintain a formal tone and use professional language. Using informal language may give the impression of unprofessionalism, so it would not be suitable in this case.
- "An article in a scientific journal": Scientific journals follow a specific style and require precise, objective, and technical language. Informal language is generally not appropriate in scientific writing.

Therefore, out of the given options, "a story in a magazine" is the best choice for using informal language, as it aligns with the more casual and conversational style often found in magazine storytelling.