Since you use predictions to prepare yourself to learn more about a text, what should you be concerned about when it comes to using them?

A. Identifying text features will be necessary
B. Your first prediction may not be accurate
C. You will need to pay attention to the text structure
D. These predictions will cause you to read more text

B. Your first prediction may not be accurate

The correct answer is B. Your first prediction may not be accurate.

When using predictions to approach a text, it is important to be aware that your initial prediction might not always be correct. Predictions are based on prior knowledge, and sometimes they may not align with the actual content of the text. Therefore, it is crucial to be open-minded and willing to revise and adjust your predictions based on the information presented in the text.

The correct answer is B. Your first prediction may not be accurate.

When using predictions to prepare yourself to learn more about a text, it is important to be aware that your initial prediction may not always be accurate. Predictions are based on prior knowledge and assumptions, and they may not always align with the actual content of the text. Therefore, it is important to maintain an open mind and be flexible in adjusting your predictions as you read and gather more information from the text.

Option A, identifying text features, is not directly related to the concern of using predictions. However, being able to recognize and analyze text features can be a useful skill in comprehending and interpreting the text.

Option C, paying attention to the text structure, is also an important consideration when reading and comprehending a text. Understanding the structure of a text, such as headings, paragraphs, and organizational patterns, can help you better navigate and interpret the information.

Option D, these predictions will cause you to read more text, is not a direct concern of using predictions. Instead, predictions can help you focus your reading and make connections with the text, potentially increasing your comprehension and engagement with the material.