why is it helpful to name the central ideas of a text?

A. to give you an overview of the ideas in the text
B. to help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose
C. to learn additional details about the topic of the text
D.to help you define the text

All of the above options are correct. Naming the central ideas of a text can help provide an overview of the main ideas in the text, allow for a greater focus on the text's purpose, assist in learning additional details about the topic, and help in defining the text.

there is only 1 answer

B. to help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose

The correct answers are A and B.

A. Naming the central ideas of a text helps to give you an overview of the main ideas that the text is conveying. This can help you understand the main points and themes of the text without getting lost in the details.

B. Naming the central ideas also helps you read with greater focus on the text's purpose. By identifying the main ideas, you can better understand the author's intention and the overall message they are trying to convey.

C. Learning additional details about the topic of the text is not the primary purpose of naming central ideas. While understanding the central ideas can provide a foundation for learning more about the topic, it is not necessarily about obtaining additional details.

D. Helping to define the text is not the primary purpose of naming central ideas. While identifying the central ideas can contribute to understanding the text, defining the text goes beyond just naming central ideas.

The answer is B. to help you read with greater focus on the text's purpose.

Naming the central ideas of a text is helpful for several reasons. First, it gives you an overview of the main ideas in the text. This allows you to quickly grasp the main message or themes that the author is trying to convey.

Second, naming the central ideas helps you read with greater focus on the text's purpose. By identifying the main ideas, you can better understand the purpose of the text and why the author has written it. This enables you to read with a specific goal in mind and extract the intended meaning more effectively.

Third, while naming the central ideas, you may also learn additional details about the topic of the text. As you analyze and summarize the main ideas, you may come across supporting details or related information that contribute to your understanding of the topic.

Lastly, although it is not directly mentioned in the question, naming the central ideas can also help you define the text. By identifying the main concepts, you can capture the essence of the text and articulate its main points concisely. This can be especially useful when discussing or summarizing the text to others.

In conclusion, by naming the central ideas of a text, you can gain an overview, read with greater focus, learn additional details, and define the text. However, the most direct and immediate benefit is the ability to read with a clearer understanding of the text's purpose.