Based on the lesson, trace which of the following ethnic groups were the sole worshippers of Islam.(1 point) Responses Arabs Arabs Mongols Mongols Persians Persians multiethnic groups

Arabs and Persians were the sole worshippers of Islam.

To determine which of the ethnic groups were the sole worshippers of Islam, we need to understand the geographic distribution and religious practices of these groups.

1. Arabs: Arabs were the ethnic group that primarily originated from the Arabian Peninsula, which includes present-day Saudi Arabia. Islam was founded by the Prophet Muhammad in the Arabian Peninsula, and Arab societies have historically been predominantly Muslim. Therefore, Arabs can be considered as one of the ethnic groups that were the sole worshippers of Islam.

2. Mongols: The Mongols were a nomadic and warrior people from Central Asia. Historically, they followed a shamanistic religion and later adopted Buddhism and other belief systems. While some Mongols did convert to Islam, they were not the sole worshippers of Islam. Therefore, we can exclude the Mongols from the list.

3. Persians: Persians are an ethnic group that originates from what is now known as Iran. They have a rich history and culture, including their own ancient religion called Zoroastrianism. However, Islam spread to Persia in the 7th century, and today the majority of Iranians are Muslims, following various sects of Islam. So, like the Arabs, Persians can also be considered as one of the ethnic groups that were the sole worshippers of Islam.

4. Multiethnic groups: The term "multiethnic groups" does not refer to a specific ethnic group, but rather groups that are composed of individuals from various ethnic backgrounds. It is unlikely for a multiethnic group to be the sole worshippers of Islam, as Islam is practiced by people from different ethnicities around the world.

In conclusion, based on the lesson and the information provided, both Arabs and Persians were ethnic groups that were the sole worshippers of Islam.

Based on the information provided in the lesson, the ethnic group that was the sole worshippers of Islam is the Arabs.