Based on the lesson, trace which of the following ethnic groups were the sole worshippers of Islam.(1 point)

multiethnic groups

Based on the lesson, the ethnic group that were the sole worshippers of Islam are Arab.

Based on the lesson, Arabs and Persians were both ethnic groups who were sole worshippers of Islam. Mongols and multiethnic groups were not mentioned to be solely worshipping Islam.

To determine which ethnic groups were the sole worshippers of Islam, we need to understand the characteristics of each ethnic group in relation to their religious practices. Here is a breakdown of each ethnic group mentioned:

1. Arabs: Arabs are generally associated with the rise and spread of Islam. They were the first ethnic group to predominantly embrace Islam and played a significant role in its development and expansion.

2. Persians: Persians, also known as Iranians, have a rich history and a unique cultural background. Although Iran has a sizable population of Muslims, including Shia Muslims, it is important to note that Islam is not the sole religion practiced by Iranians, as there are also significant populations of Zoroastrians, Christians, Jews, and other religious minorities.

3. Mongols: The Mongols, known for their vast empire in Central Asia during the 13th and 14th centuries, did not have a specific ethnic group religion. When Genghis Khan and his successors conquered large territories, including parts of the Islamic world, they tolerated and even patronized various religions practiced by their subjects, including Islam. However, the Mongols themselves did not exclusively practice Islam.

4. Multiethnic groups: This term refers to communities or societies made up of people from different ethnic backgrounds. Islam is practiced by various multiethnic groups around the world. They include Muslims from diverse backgrounds, such as Indonesians, Malaysians, Africans, Europeans, and many others.

Based on this analysis, we can conclude that the ethnic group that was the sole worshippers of Islam is Arabs. They were the primary ethnic group associated with the rise and early development of Islam. Please note that while other ethnic groups mentioned have significant Muslim populations, they do not exclusively practice Islam as a religion.