Determine if the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship. If they are not in a proportional relationship, indicate why. (1 point) Responses No, the ratio of 3 hours to $27 is not proportional. No, the ratio of 3 hours to $27 is not proportional. No, the ratios are not equivalent. No, the ratios are not equivalent. No, the ratio of 1 hour to $9 is not proportional. No, the ratio of 1 hour to $9 is not proportional. Yes, the ratios are in a proportional relationship.

No, the ratio of 3 hours to $27 is not proportional. No, the ratio of 1 hour to $9 is not proportional. The ratios are not equivalent.

Based on the given responses, it seems that the quantities in the data table are not in a proportional relationship. The reasons provided for this conclusion include: the ratios of hours to dollars are not equivalent, the ratio of 3 hours to $27 is not proportional, and the ratio of 1 hour to $9 is not proportional. Therefore, the conclusion is that the quantities are not proportional.

To determine if the quantities in a data table are in a proportional relationship, we need to compare the ratios of the corresponding values. In this case, the data table provides different ratios for the hours and the corresponding amounts of money. Let's analyze each response to understand the reasoning behind it:

1. "No, the ratio of 3 hours to $27 is not proportional."
2. "No, the ratios are not equivalent."
3. "No, the ratio of 1 hour to $9 is not proportional."

Based on these responses, it seems that the ratios of hours to money are not consistent, indicating that the quantities are not in a proportional relationship. Additionally, the mention of non-equivalent ratios further confirms this.

4. "Yes, the ratios are in a proportional relationship."

This response contradicts the others and claims that the quantities are indeed in a proportional relationship. However, since the other responses all indicate that the ratios are not consistent and equivalent, it suggests that this response may be incorrect.

In conclusion, it seems that the quantities in the data table are not in a proportional relationship, as the ratios of hours to money are inconsistent and not equivalent.