Determine if the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship. If they do not have a proportional relationship, indicate why

No, not all of the ratios are proportional or have equivalence.

Yes, this data table has a proportional relationship.

No, none of the ratios have equivalence.

No, you can't bike 12 miles in an hour.

No, the quantities in the data table are not in a proportional relationship.

To determine if the quantities in the data table are in a proportional relationship, we need to compare the ratios between the given quantities.

Since there is no specific data table provided in the question, I can't analyze the ratios and provide a definite answer. If you could provide the actual data table, I would be able to help you determine if the quantities are proportional or not.

To determine if the quantities in a data table are in a proportional relationship, you need to compare the ratios of the corresponding values. If the ratios of one set of values are equal to the ratios of another set of values, then the quantities are in a proportional relationship. If not, then they do not have a proportional relationship.

In the given response options, the first three indicate that the quantities in the data table have a proportional relationship. However, the last response option contradicts this by stating that it is not possible to bike 12 miles in an hour. This suggests that the quantities do not have a proportional relationship.

To determine if the quantities have a proportional relationship, you would need to examine the values in the data table. Specifically, you need to compare the ratios of the values in each row or column to see if they are consistent. If the ratios are equal, then the quantities are in a proportional relationship. If the ratios vary, then the quantities do not have a proportional relationship.