Which represents a Aztec adaptation to their environment.

1. A surplus of farmed crops.
2.an accurate 365-day calender.
3. A system of causeways.
4. farming in terraces,

3. A system of causeways.

4. Farming in terraces.

4. Farming in terraces is the Aztec adaptation to their environment.

The answer is option 4, farming in terraces. To understand why farming in terraces represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment, we need to consider the characteristics of the Aztec civilization and their geographical context.

The Aztecs inhabited the central region of Mexico, which consisted of a high plateau surrounded by mountains. The high altitude and rugged terrain made it challenging for traditional farming methods to be effective. However, the Aztecs ingeniously developed terraced farming as a solution to this problem.

Terraced farming involves carving steps or tiers into the sides of hills or mountains. Each step serves as a flat surface for cultivating crops. This technique allowed the Aztecs to make the most of the limited arable land by creating artificial platforms for farming. By utilizing terraces, they maximized their agricultural output, providing a consistent food supply for their civilization.

The terraces helped mitigate the effects of erosion caused by the region's steep slopes, as they reduced the flow of water, preventing soil erosion and loss. Furthermore, the steps created by terraces allowed for effective irrigation and helped retain moisture in the soil, which was crucial due to the high elevation and semi-arid conditions of the area.

In summary, farming in terraces was a significant Aztec adaptation to their environment, as it enabled them to overcome the challenges posed by the rugged terrain and exploit the limited available land for agriculture.