Which represents an Aztec adaptation to their environment?(1 point)


a surplus of farmed crops
a surplus of farmed crops

farming in terraces
f arming in terraces

a system of causeways
a system of causeways

an accurate 365-day calendar

What are some examples of the ways colonies began to self-govern? Select all that apply.(2 points)


Mercantilists established a set of taxes that colonists were required to pay.
Mercantilists established a set of taxes that colonists were required to pay.

Puritans held town meetings to discuss important issues.
Puritans held town meetings to discuss important issues.

When first starting to self-govern, Virginia colonists could only vote in government matters if they owned land.
When first starting to self-govern, Virginia colonists could only vote in government matters if they owned land.

Colonists elected government representatives.

Puritans held town meetings to discuss important issues.

Colonists elected government representatives.

How were indentured servants different from slaves?(1 point)


Indentured servants worked indefinitely and slaves agreed to work for five years in exchange for freedom at the end of the five years.
Indentured servants worked indefinitely and slaves agreed to work for five years in exchange for freedom at the end of the five years.

Slaves were paid a small wage and indentured servants were forced to work for no money.
Slaves were paid a small wage and indentured servants were forced to work for no money.

Indentured servants agreed to work for no money in exchange for land and tools after a certain period of time, while slaves were forced to work indefinitely.
Indentured servants agreed to work for no money in exchange for land and tools after a certain period of time, while slaves were forced to work indefinitely.

Indentured servants earned wages but slaves did not.

How did Native Americans influence other parts of the world?(1 point)


They were taken as slaves to other parts of the world where they grew crops.
They were taken as slaves to other parts of the world where they grew crops.

They taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded with other countries.
They taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded with other countries.

They taught settlers how to make weapons that were then traded with other countries.
They taught settlers how to make weapons that were then traded with other countries.

They taught settlers how to grow crops that were traded with other countries.

Which of these were reasons for Columbus’s first voyage from Spain? Select all that apply.(2 points)


Spain wanted to control the spice trade.
Spain wanted to control the spice trade.

He sought to bring back Native Americans for slavery.
He sought to bring back Native Americans for slavery.

Spain wanted to discover new cultures and religions.
Spain wanted to discover new cultures and religions.

He went in search of an easier route to Asia.

Spain wanted to control the spice trade.

He went in search of an easier route to Asia.

Why was the Act of Toleration enacted?(1 point)


to retain a separation between church and state
to retain a separation between church and state

to ensure African Americans could maintain their own religious practices
to ensure African Americans could maintain their own religious practices

to provide freedom of religion for Jews
to provide freedom of religion for Jews

to safeguard freedom of worship to Catholics who founded Maryland

to safeguard freedom of worship to Catholics who founded Maryland

The most significant difference between the northern and southern Carolina settlements was that(1 point)


the Northern settlement was free of slavery while the Southern settlement relied on enslaved workers.
the Northern settlement was free of slavery while the Southern settlement relied on enslaved workers.

the Southern settlement was more loyal to English nobles than the Northern settlement.
the Southern settlement was more loyal to English nobles than the Northern settlement.

the Southern settlement attracted settlers from England while the Northern settlement attracted settlers from Virginia.
the Southern settlement attracted settlers from England while the Northern settlement attracted settlers from Virginia.

the Southern settlement grew rich on rice while poorer farmers in the North grew tobacco.
the Southern settlement grew rich on rice while poorer farmers in the North grew tobacco.