What affects climate?

The distance from the moon

The distance from the planets

The distance from Earth’s core

The distance from the equator

E. The distance from bodies of water

F. The altitude or elevation of a location
G. The presence of mountains or large landmasses
H. The amount and distribution of precipitation
I. The presence of prevailing winds and air currents
J. The amount of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
K. The Earth's tilt on its axis

The correct answer is D - the distance from the equator affects climate. The climate of a particular region is primarily determined by its distance from the equator. The closer a location is to the equator, the warmer its climate tends to be, while the farther away it is, the colder the climate.

To understand this, you can refer to the concept of latitude. Latitude is the angular distance of a location north or south of the equator. As the Earth is tilted on its axis, areas closer to the equator receive more direct sunlight and, as a result, experience higher temperatures. On the other hand, areas farther from the equator receive sunlight at oblique angles, leading to cooler temperatures.

By considering the distance from the equator, you can gather valuable insights about the climate patterns and temperature ranges in different regions of the Earth.

D. The distance from the equator affects climate.