Maria has to spend 5+ hours to finish her community service program in a community health clinic. Last week, she was able to spend 3 hours. Which equation can be used to determine the number of hours, h, that Maria still needs to spend to complete her service program? (1 point)

Oh +5 = 32
Oh +34 - 5

The equation that can be used to determine the number of hours Maria still needs to spend to complete her service program is:

h = 5 + 3

This represents the total number of hours Maria needs to spend (5 hours) added to the number of hours she has already spent (3 hours).

To determine the number of hours, h, that Maria still needs to spend to complete her service program, we can use the equation:

h = 5 + 3

Here's how to solve it:
1. Start with the number of hours Maria needs to spend to complete her service program, which is 5.
2. Add the number of hours she has already spent, which is 3.
3. The equation h = 5 + 3 gives us the total number of hours she still needs to spend, represented by h.

h + 3 = 5