In Germany, Jewish people were not allowed to

attend schools or universities

own property, businesses, vehicles or driver's licences

all answers are correct

work as doctors or lawyers

all answers are correct

The correct answer is "all answers are correct." In Nazi Germany under Adolf Hitler's regime, Jewish people faced severe discrimination and persecution. They were systematically excluded from various aspects of society, including education, property ownership, business ownership, and professional careers. To find this information, you can refer to historical sources like books, articles, or websites that discuss the policies and treatment of Jewish people during that time. Additionally, you can study historical documents such as Nazi laws and regulations that specifically targeted and restricted the rights and freedoms of Jewish individuals in Germany.

In Germany, during the time of Nazi rule, Jewish people were subjected to various discriminatory policies and restrictions. Some of these included:

1. Attending schools or universities: Jewish individuals were gradually excluded from German educational institutions. In 1933, the government implemented a quota system where Jewish students were only allowed to comprise a limited percentage of the overall student population. Eventually, Jewish students were completely banned from attending German schools and universities.

2. Owning property, businesses, vehicles, or driver's licenses: Jewish individuals faced significant restrictions on property ownership and economic activities. The Nazis implemented various laws and regulations that limited Jewish ownership and control over businesses, real estate, vehicles, and other assets. Jewish individuals were often forced to sell their possessions or businesses at significantly reduced prices or have them confiscated by the government.

3. Working as doctors or lawyers: Jewish doctors and lawyers faced extreme professional discrimination. They were subjected to laws that gradually restricted their ability to practice medicine or law. Ultimately, Jews were effectively banned from these professions, making it extremely difficult for them to work in these fields.

Therefore, all three statements are correct.