Select the best sentence to support the statement that ancient civilizations used their knowledge of forces to move massive objects.

For thousands of years people have recognized the importance of forces even if they do not fully understand them they certainly know how to use them fantastic monuments like the pyramids the statues on Easter island and stone henge in England were built because of our ancestors had developed an understanding of how to use forces to make work easier that process of using forces to make life easier continues today you can see it in action around you in everything from a can opener to a scooter from the family car to a pair of scissors

Fantastic monuments like the pyramids, the statues on Easter Island, and Stonehenge in England were built by ancient civilizations who had developed an understanding of how to use forces to make work easier.

"The pyramids, the statues on Easter Island, and Stonehenge in England were built because our ancestors had developed an understanding of how to use forces to make work easier."

The best sentence to support the statement that ancient civilizations used their knowledge of forces to move massive objects is:

"Fantastic monuments like the pyramids, the statues on Easter Island, and Stonehenge in England were built because our ancestors had developed an understanding of how to use forces to make work easier."

To arrive at this conclusion, we can break down the sentence and analyze the evidence it provides:

1. "Fantastic monuments like the pyramids, the statues on Easter Island, and Stonehenge in England were built..." - This part establishes that there exist ancient civilizations that constructed significant structures.

2. "...because our ancestors had developed an understanding of how to use forces to make work easier." - This statement suggests that the construction of these monuments was made possible due to ancient civilizations' knowledge and utilization of forces.

This sentence directly supports the idea that ancient civilizations used their understanding of forces to move massive objects, as it highlights the connection between their knowledge and the construction of monumental structures.