Which of the following would be an example of a secondary source?

A. letter
B. dairy
C. biography
D. interview

C. biography

To identify a secondary source, we need to understand that secondary sources are documents or materials that analyze, interpret, or discuss primary sources. Primary sources, on the other hand, are firsthand accounts or original materials that were created during the time period being studied.

Now, let’s examine each option:

A. Letter: A letter is usually considered a primary source because it is a firsthand account written by someone at the time the events occurred.

B. Diary: Similar to a letter, a diary is a firsthand account of events as they happened. Therefore, it is also considered a primary source.

C. Biography: A biography is a written account of a person's life, usually written by someone else. Biographies are generally considered secondary sources because they synthesize information from various primary and secondary sources.

D. Interview: An interview is a conversation where someone is questioned to gather information or opinions. Interviews can be both primary and secondary sources, depending on the context. If the interview is conducted specifically for a project and provides firsthand information, it would be considered a primary source. However, if it is a published or recorded interview that analyzes or interprets events, it would be classified as a secondary source.

Therefore, the correct answer to your question would be C. Biography, as it is an example of a secondary source.

C. biography