VI. Analyzing the Data:


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The speed is constant.
The distance remains unchanged.
The direction of motion stays the same.
The speed gradually increases over time.


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The ball’s speed is increasing.
The ball’s speed is decreasing.
The ball’s motion is constant.
The ball’s motion is stopping.


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The object is experiencing acceleration.
The object is moving along a curved path.
The object has a negative acceleration.
The object moves at a constant speed.

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The velocity of the car remains constant throughout the journey.
The change in speed alone causes the velocity of the car to vary.
The change in direction alone causes the velocity of the car to vary.
The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction.
12. Which graph BEST represents the relationship between velocity and time for an object that accelerates uniformly for 2 seconds, then moves at a constant velocity for 1 second, and finally decelerates for 3 seconds?
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The graph would show a positive slope for the first 2 seconds, a horizontal line for the next 1 second, and a negative slope for the following 3 seconds.

8. The speed gradually increases over time.

9. The ball's speed is decreasing.

10. The object is experiencing acceleration.

11. The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction.


The graph would show a linear increase in velocity for the first 2 seconds, followed by a flat line for 1 second representing constant velocity, and then a linear decrease in velocity for the next 3 seconds.

To answer the questions, we need to understand the concepts of speed, distance, motion, acceleration, and velocity.

8. In question 8, we are asked about the characteristics of the motion. To determine the answer, we need to analyze the given options:
a) The speed is constant: This implies that the object is moving at the same speed throughout the motion.
b) The distance remains unchanged: This suggests that the object is not covering any distance or moving.
c) The direction of motion stays the same: This indicates that the object is moving in a straight line without changing its direction.
d) The speed gradually increases over time: This means that the speed is increasing as time progresses.

Based on these options, we can conclude that the correct answer is "c) The direction of motion stays the same", as it represents a constant motion without any change in direction.

9. In question 9, we are asked about the speed of a ball. We need to analyze the options:
a) The ball's speed is increasing: This implies that the ball is getting faster over time.
b) The ball's speed is decreasing: This suggests that the ball is getting slower over time.
c) The ball's motion is constant: This means that the ball's speed remains the same.
d) The ball's motion is stopping: This indicates that the ball is coming to a complete stop.

Based on these options, we can conclude that the correct answer is "a) The ball's speed is increasing", as it represents a situation where the ball is getting faster.

10. In question 10, we are asked about the characteristics of an object's motion. We need to analyze the given options:
a) The object is experiencing acceleration: This implies that the object's speed is changing, either increasing or decreasing.
b) The object is moving along a curved path: This suggests that the object is not moving in a straight line but following a curved trajectory.
c) The object has a negative acceleration: This means that the object's speed is decreasing.
d) The object moves at a constant speed: This indicates that the object's speed remains the same.

Based on these options, we can conclude that the correct answer is "b) The object is moving along a curved path", as it represents an object deviating from a straight trajectory.

11. In question 11, we are asked about the velocity of a car. We need to analyze the options:
a) The velocity of the car remains constant throughout the journey: This implies that neither the speed nor the direction of the car changes.
b) The change in speed alone causes the velocity of the car to vary: This suggests that only changes in speed affect the car's velocity.
c) The change in direction alone causes the velocity of the car to vary: This means that only changes in direction affect the car's velocity.
d) The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction: This implies that both changes in speed and direction affect the car's velocity.

Based on these options, we can conclude that the correct answer is "d) The velocity of the car changes due to the change in speed and direction", as it represents a situation where both changes in speed and direction affect the car's velocity.

12. In question 12, we are asked about the BEST graph that represents the relationship between velocity and time for an object. Since we have no specific graphs to analyze, we need to consider the given scenario: the object accelerates uniformly for 2 seconds, then moves at a constant velocity for 1 second, and finally decelerates for 3 seconds.

Based on this information, the graph should show an initial increasing slope (representing acceleration), followed by a flat line at a certain velocity (representing constant velocity), and finally a decreasing slope (representing deceleration).

Unfortunately, since we cannot see the graphs provided, it is not possible to directly answer the question by "typing the answer here." However, based on the given scenario, a graph that follows the described pattern would be the correct choice.