Use each of the following transition words or phrases in a sentence:

for example

I wanted to go for a run; however, it started to rain heavily.

I had to finish my work before I could go to the party.
I enjoy outdoor activities, for example, hiking and swimming.
She loves to dance, and additionally, she is also a great singer.

1. However, she was exhausted, she decided to push through and finish the race.

2. Before going to bed, make sure to turn off all the lights and lock the doors.
3. He enjoys participating in various sports, for example, basketball, soccer, and swimming.
4. Additionally, she bought some groceries on her way back home.

Sure! Here are sentences using each of the transition words or phrases you provided:

1. However, I studied hard for the test, but still didn't get a good grade.
(Explanation: "However" is used to contrast two ideas or statements.)

2. Before going to bed, make sure to turn off all the lights.
(Explanation: "Before" is used to indicate a time or order of events.)

3. For example, let's say you want to bake a cake. First, gather all the ingredients, such as flour, eggs, and sugar.
(Explanation: "For example" is used to introduce a specific instance or illustration.)

4. Additionally, it is important to exercise regularly and eat a balanced diet for overall health.
(Explanation: "Additionally" is used to add another supporting point or idea.)