Which of the following defines repetition in a poem? (1 point)


A. words or phrases that are used for stresses

B. words or phrases used more than once

C.words that are spelled alike

D. words that start with the same letter

1. words or phrases used more than once

2. the repetition of the same sound at the end of words
3. repeated consonant sounds at the beginning of words
4. the lazy lizard slithered slowly through the grass
5. through repetition

these should all be %100 correct, good luck!

B. words or phrases used more than once

gaming_kat is 100% right thank you

Incase anyone has the last two, the answers are

4. Stresses of words
5. To engage the reader.

how do i know ur right did you already take the test??????

To determine the correct answer, we need to understand what repetition means in the context of a poem.

Repetition in a poem refers to the deliberate reuse of words, phrases, or structures to create an effect or emphasize a certain theme or idea. It is a technique commonly used by poets to reinforce and emphasize certain elements or evoke specific emotions.

Now, let's examine each option provided and determine which one defines repetition in a poem.

A. Words or phrases that are used for stresses: This option does not accurately define repetition in a poem. While repetition can be used to create emphasis or stress, it also serves other purposes.

B. Words or phrases used more than once: This option accurately defines repetition in a poem. When certain words or phrases are repeated throughout a poem, it helps create a rhythmic pattern or emphasizes ideas.

C. Words that are spelled alike: This option does not accurately define repetition in a poem. Repetition refers to the reuse of the same words or phrases, regardless of their spelling.

D. Words that start with the same letter: This option does not accurately define repetition in a poem. While alliteration is a poetic technique in which words start with the same letter or sound, it is different from repetition.

Based on the explanations above, the correct answer to the question is B. Words or phrases used more than once.