Earth is capable of supporting life, unlike many other planets because (1 point)

Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere help maintain the conditions necessary to sustain life.
Earth's has a gaseous atmosphere for only a part for the year.
Earth is a terrestrial body.
Earth is located inside the asteroid belt.
Select ALL that apply
Choose 2 answers

Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere help maintain the conditions necessary to sustain life.

Earth is a terrestrial body.

The correct answers are:

1) Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere help maintain the conditions necessary to sustain life.
2) Earth is a terrestrial body.

The two correct answers are:

1. Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere help maintain the conditions necessary to sustain life.
2. Earth is a terrestrial body.

To explain how to arrive at these answers:

1. Earth's hydrosphere and atmosphere help maintain the conditions necessary to sustain life: Earth has a unique combination of water (in its hydrosphere) and a breathable atmosphere (composed mainly of nitrogen and oxygen). The presence of liquid water and a stable atmosphere are essential for sustaining life as we know it.

2. Earth is a terrestrial body: Terrestrial means "relating to the Earth" or "composed of land." While Earth does have bodies of water, it is primarily a solid landmass, with continents, mountains, and other geological features. This distinguishes it from other planets that may have predominantly gaseous or icy compositions.