A rough draft

(1 point)

does not allow room for mistakes or errors.
does not allow room for mistakes or errors.

is the final copy of your story.
is the final copy of your story.

is the first draft of your story and will be edited later.
is the first draft of your story and will be edited later.

should not include any descriptions or figurative language.

should not include any descriptions or figurative language.

should not include any descriptions or figurative language.

A rough draft is the first draft of a story that you write, and it is expected to be edited and revised later. It is called "rough" because it is not expected to be perfect or error-free. In fact, a rough draft allows room for mistakes or errors as it serves as a starting point for further improvements. This means that it can include descriptions, figurative language, and other elements that you may want to incorporate into your final copy. The purpose of a rough draft is to get your ideas down on paper and start the writing process. Later on, you can review and revise your rough draft to create a final copy of your story.