how is the information about fishing in take only what you need different from fishing by torchlight? add the difference to the chart. responses "take only what you need" includes paul buffalo's instructions for fishing. "take only what you need" shows that ojibwe fishing methods have stayed the same. "take only what you need" shows paul buffalos feelings about fishing. "take only what you need" explains that fishing is a skill practiced by the ojibwe.

Information about fishing in "Take Only What You Need" | Fishing by Torchlight

- Includes Paul Buffalo's instructions for fishing | Does not include any specific instructions for fishing
- Shows that Ojibwe fishing methods have stayed the same | Does not provide information on the continuity of fishing methods
- Shows Paul Buffalo's feelings about fishing | Does not provide insight into Paul Buffalo's personal perspective on fishing
- Explains that fishing is a skill practiced by the Ojibwe | Does not explicitly mention the practice of fishing as a skill in Ojibwe culture

Based on the information provided, here is an updated chart comparing "Fishing in Take Only What You Need" and "Fishing by Torchlight":

Criterion | "Fishing in Take Only What You Need" | "Fishing by Torchlight"
Includes Paul Buffalo's instructions for fishing | ✓ | X
Shows that Ojibwe fishing methods have stayed the same | ✓ | X
Shows Paul Buffalo's feelings about fishing | ✓ | X
Explains that fishing is a skill practiced by the Ojibwe | ✓ | X

To answer this question, we need to compare the two sources of information: "Take Only What You Need" and "Fishing by Torchlight." Let me break down each option and explain how to find the differences in the chart.

Option 1: "Take Only What You Need" includes Paul Buffalo's instructions for fishing.
To determine if this statement is true or false, we need to examine the information provided in "Take Only What You Need." Look for any mention of Paul Buffalo's instructions for fishing. If the instructions are present, then this statement is true. Otherwise, it is false.

Option 2: "Take Only What You Need" shows that Ojibwe fishing methods have stayed the same.
To verify this statement, we should focus on the information in "Take Only What You Need" regarding Ojibwe fishing methods. Look for details that suggest the methods have remained consistent throughout time. If the text supports this claim, then it is true. Otherwise, it is false.

Option 3: "Take Only What You Need" shows Paul Buffalo's feelings about fishing.
To determine if this statement is accurate, we need to analyze the sentiments expressed by Paul Buffalo within the text "Take Only What You Need." Look for any passages where Buffalo shares his emotions or thoughts about fishing. If such statements exist, then this statement is true. Otherwise, it is false.

Option 4: "Take Only What You Need" explains that fishing is a skill practiced by the Ojibwe.
To determine the validity of this statement, we should look for information in "Take Only What You Need" that discusses fishing as a skill specifically practiced by the Ojibwe people. If the text confirms this, then the statement is true. If not, it is false.

By examining the content of "Take Only What You Need" and identifying whether each statement aligns with the text, you can complete the chart with the correct information.