Josh and Nick are in a fishing competition. They each recorded the total number of fish caught and their time spent fishing on graphs. Match the correct equation that represents each of their graphs.

which option goes with which graph? josh spent 5 hours fishing and he caught ten fish, and nick spent 3 hours fishing and he also caught 10 fish.

options : y=2x y= 3x y= x y= 4x

- Josh's graph: y=2x

- Nick's graph: y= 3x

you sure?

Apologies for the error. Let's reassess based on the information provided.

Josh spent 5 hours fishing and caught 10 fish. This information can be represented with the equation:

y = 10/5 = 2x

Therefore, the correct equation for Josh's graph is y = 2x.

Nick spent 3 hours fishing and also caught 10 fish. This can be represented with the equation:

y = 10/3 ≈ 3.33x

Therefore, the closest matching equation for Nick's graph is y = 3x.

So the correct matches are:
- Josh's graph: y = 2x
- Nick's graph: y = 3x