Which trade route was too distant from East and West Africa to be used?(1 point)


Black Sea
Black Sea


Mediterranean Sea
Mediterranean Sea

Silk Road
Silk Road

Black Sea

The trade route that was too distant from East and West Africa to be used is the Silk Road.

The trade route that was too distant from East and West Africa to be used is the Silk Road.

To arrive at this answer, we need to evaluate the distance between East and West Africa and each of the four options: Black Sea, trans-Saharan, Mediterranean Sea, and Silk Road.

1. Black Sea: The Black Sea is located to the northeast of Africa. While it is relatively close to East Africa, it is still far from West Africa.

2. Trans-Saharan: The trans-Saharan trade route refers to the trading conducted across the Sahara Desert, connecting North Africa with West Africa. While this route was used to trade various goods, it was not too distant for East and West Africa to access each other.

3. Mediterranean Sea: The Mediterranean Sea is located to the north of Africa. Although it does create a barrier between East and West Africa, it is not considered overly distant.

4. Silk Road: The Silk Road was an ancient trade route that connected East Asia with the Mediterranean region. However, it did not extend south enough to directly connect with Africa, making it too distant for East and West Africa to utilize.

Hence, the Silk Road is the trade route that was too distant for East and West Africa to be used.