Convert 3 18/25

to a decimal using long division.

To convert 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division, we first need to find the decimal form of the fraction 18/25.

To do this, we perform long division:

- 14 (Since 0.72 * 25 = 18)
- 40 (Since 0.72 * 25 = 40)

Therefore, the decimal form of 18/25 is 0.72.

Next, we add the whole number 3 to the decimal 0.72:

3 + 0.72 = 3.72

Therefore, 3 18/25 as a decimal is 3.72.

To convert the mixed number 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Rewrite the mixed number as an improper fraction.
To do this, multiply the whole number (3) by the denominator (25) and add the numerator (18) to get the new numerator. The denominator remains the same.

3 18/25 = (3 * 25 + 18) / 25 = 93/25

Step 2: Perform long division.
Divide the numerator (93) by the denominator (25).

25) | 93

Step 3: The quotient obtained from the division is 3.72 (rounded to two decimal places). Therefore, 3 18/25 is equivalent to 3.72 as a decimal using long division.

To convert the mixed number 3 18/25 to a decimal using long division, follow these steps:

Step 1: Write the mixed number as a fraction
Since 3 is the whole number part and 18/25 is the fractional part, we can write 3 18/25 as a fraction by multiplying the whole number by the denominator of the fraction and then adding the numerator:

3 18/25 = (3 * 25 + 18) / 25 = 93/25

Step 2: Perform long division
Now, we will perform long division to convert the fraction 93/25 into a decimal.

First, divide the numerator (93) by the denominator (25):

3.72 (quotient)


25 | 93
- 75
- 175
- 50

Step 3: Interpret the result
The quotient obtained from long division is 3.72. Therefore, 3 18/25 as a decimal is 3.72.