Selective breeding is the only method to change life forms’ characteristics. (1 point) Responses True True False


False. Selective breeding is a method used to change or manipulate the characteristics of certain organisms through controlled breeding. However, there are other methods that can also be used to change life forms' characteristics, such as genetic engineering, gene editing, and artificial selection.


Selective breeding is one method to change life forms' characteristics, but it is not the only method. There are other techniques and processes that can be used to manipulate and modify organisms, such as genetic engineering, gene editing, and cloning. These methods involve directly manipulating the DNA or genetic material of an organism to achieve desired traits or characteristics. Selective breeding, on the other hand, involves choosing individuals with specific traits and breeding them together to pass those traits on to future generations. While selective breeding has been used for centuries to modify domesticated animals and crops, modern scientific advancements have provided additional ways to change the characteristics of life forms.