20. The long, thin legs of a white-tailed deer help them

quickly escape danger. What are deer's legs an example
of? (1 point)
[Choice A] adaptation
[Choice B] speciation
[Choice C] communication
[Choice D] diversity

Choice A] adaptation

The correct answer is [Choice A] adaptation. Deer's long, thin legs are an example of an adaptation, as they have evolved this physical characteristic over time to help them quickly escape from predators and other potential dangers.

To determine the correct answer, let's examine the characteristics of the deer's legs and the options provided.

Deer have long, thin legs that enable them to quickly escape from potential dangers. These legs are specially adapted to help them survive in their environment. They allow deer to move swiftly and navigate through various terrains, such as forests or grasslands.

Now, let's look at the options:

[Choice A] adaptation: Adaptation refers to a trait or characteristic that helps an organism survive in its environment. The deer's legs, being specifically designed for quick escapes, can be considered an example of adaptation. This choice seems to match the described situation.

[Choice B] speciation: Speciation refers to the process by which new species are formed. While the deer's legs may contribute to their survival, they do not directly involve the formation of new species. Therefore, this choice is not the best fit.

[Choice C] communication: Communication involves the exchange of information between individuals. While animals do communicate in various ways, the deer's legs are not a direct example of communication. This choice is unlikely to be the correct answer.

[Choice D] diversity: Diversity refers to the variety of different species or characteristics within a particular group. While the deer's legs may contribute to overall diversity in the animal kingdom, they are not a direct example of diversity themselves. Therefore, this choice is not the best fit.

In conclusion, based on the characteristics described, the correct answer is [Choice A] adaptation. The legs of a white-tailed deer are an adaptation that allows them to quickly escape danger.