Examine the two spiders.

Two spiders, side by side. One spider is black with eight segmented legs and a long, thin body. The other spider is brown with eight segmented legs and a short, wide body.

Which characteristic would best identify the spiders as belonging to different species?

(1 point)

shape of body
shape of body

type of diet
type of diet

number of legs
number of legs

presence of wings

presence of wings (but since neither spider has wings, shape of body would be the correct answer)

The characteristic that would best identify the spiders as belonging to different species is the shape of the body. The black spider has a long, thin body, while the brown spider has a short, wide body.

To examine the two spiders and determine whether they belong to different species based on a characteristic, we need to look closely at their features. In this case, we have two spiders:

1. Spider 1: It is black with eight segmented legs and a long, thin body.
2. Spider 2: It is brown with eight segmented legs and a short, wide body.

To identify whether they belong to different species, we need to consider the characteristic that differs between them. Let's evaluate each potential characteristic mentioned:

1. Shape of Body: Spider 1 has a long, thin body, while Spider 2 has a short, wide body. If the shape of the body is different between the spiders, it could indicate that they belong to different species. So, this could be the characteristic we are looking for.

2. Type of Diet: The question does not provide any information about the diet of the spiders. As a result, we cannot use this characteristic to identify whether they belong to different species.

3. Number of Legs: Both spiders have eight segmented legs, so the number of legs is the same. Therefore, we cannot use this characteristic to distinguish between the two spiders.

4. Presence of Wings: The question does not mention whether the spiders have wings or not. Without this information, we cannot use the presence of wings as a characteristic to differentiate between the spiders.

Based on the information given, the characteristic that would best identify the spiders as belonging to different species is the shape of their bodies. Spider 1 has a long, thin body, while Spider 2 has a short, wide body. This difference suggests that they may indeed be from different species.