The price per gallon of gas is $3.69. What would that be as a mixed number?

To convert the price per gallon of gas from a decimal to a mixed number, we need to identify the whole number part and the fractional part.

The whole number part is obtained by taking the integer part of the decimal, which is 3 in this case.

The fractional part is obtained by subtracting the whole number part from the decimal, which is 0.69 in this case.

The mixed number representation will have the whole number part as the whole number and the fractional part as the fraction.

Thus, the price per gallon of gas can be expressed as the mixed number 3 and 69/100.

To represent the price per gallon of gas as a mixed number, you need to convert the decimal to a fraction.

Step 1: Identify the whole number part of the decimal.
The whole number part of $3.69 is 3.

Step 2: Write down the decimal part as a fraction.
The decimal part, 0.69, can be written as 69/100.

Step 3: Simplify the fraction if possible.
The fraction 69/100 is not in its simplest form. We can simplify it by dividing both the numerator and denominator by their greatest common divisor, which is 3:
69 ÷ 3 / 100 ÷ 3 = 23/33.

Step 4: Write the mixed number.
Combining the whole number and fractional parts, we get:
3 23/33.

Therefore, the price per gallon of gas as a mixed number is $3 23/33.

To convert the price per gallon of gas from a decimal to a mixed number, follow these steps:

Step 1: Determine the whole number part:
The whole number part represents the dollar amount of the price per gallon. In this case, the whole number part is simply $3.

Step 2: Determine the fractional part:
The fractional part represents the remaining cents after subtracting the whole number part. In this case, we need to determine the fractional part of $0.69.

Step 3: Convert the fraction to a simplified form:
The fractional part of $0.69 can be written as a fraction using 100 as the denominator. Since there are 69 cents, the numerator will be 69. Therefore, the fraction is 69/100.

Step 4: Simplify the fraction (if possible):
To simplify the fraction, find the greatest common divisor (GCD) of the numerator and denominator, and divide both by it. In this case, the GCD of 69 and 100 is 1, so the fraction cannot be simplified further.

Step 5: Combine the whole number and fractional parts:
Now, combine the whole number part ($3) and the fractional part (69/100) to get the mixed number: 3 69/100.

Therefore, the price per gallon of gas, $3.69, as a mixed number is 3 69/100.