Express the price per gallon of gas as a mixed number. Use $3.38 as the price. (You can use the ∑ symbol to type in a fraction). (1 point)

To express the price per gallon of gas as a mixed number using $3.38 as the price, we need to divide the total price by the number of gallons. In this case, we have a total price of $3.38.

To find the fraction part of the mixed number, we will take the decimal part of the price and convert it into a fraction. The decimal part of $3.38 is 0.38.

To convert 0.38 into a fraction, we can write it as 38/100, since the fraction's denominator should be a power of 10 to match the number of decimal places.

Now, we can simplify the fraction. The greatest common divisor (GCD) of 38 and 100 is 2. When we divide both the numerator and denominator by 2, we get 19/50.

Therefore, the fraction part of the mixed number is 19/50.

Now, let's find the whole number part of the mixed number. Since the total price is given in dollars, the whole number part will be the whole dollar amount. In this case, $3.38 is equivalent to 3 dollars.

Putting it all together, the price per gallon of gas expressed as a mixed number is 3 19/50.

To express the price per gallon of gas as a mixed number, we need to divide the total price by 1 (since 1 gallon is equivalent to the total price).

Therefore, if the price is $3.38, we can represent it as a mixed number as follows:

3 + $\frac{38}{100}$