Use the table to answer the question.

Soda Water 4 16 40
Regular Water 3 24 30
The table shows the parts of soda water and regular water for a mixture. What are the missing values?

(1 point)

26 parts soda water and 13 parts regular water
26 parts soda water and 13 parts regular water

32 parts soda water and 12 parts regular water
32 parts soda water and 12 parts regular water

25 parts soda water and 15 parts regular water
25 parts soda water and 15 parts regular water

24 parts soda water and 16 parts regular water
24 parts soda water and 16 parts regular water
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The missing values in the table are:

- 26 parts soda water and 13 parts regular water.

From the given table, we can see that the mixture has 4 parts of soda water and 3 parts of regular water in the first column, 16 parts of soda water and the number of regular water parts is missing in the second column, the number of soda water parts is missing in the third column, and 40 parts of soda water and 30 parts of regular water in the fourth column.

To find the missing values, we can use the information from the other columns.

In the second column, we know that the total number of parts of soda water and regular water in the mixture is 20 (4 + 16). We also know that the ratio of soda water to regular water is 4:3.

Using this information, we can set up the following equation:

4x + 3x = 20

7x = 20

x ≈ 2.86

So the missing value in the second column is approximately 2.86 parts of regular water.

In the third column, we know that the total number of parts of soda water and regular water in the mixture is 40. We also know that the ratio of soda water to regular water is 4:3.

Using this information, we can set up the following equation:

4x + 3x = 40

7x = 40

x ≈ 5.71

So the missing value in the third column is approximately 5.71 parts of soda water.

Therefore, the missing values in the table are:

Soda Water: 5.71 parts

Regular Water: 2.86 parts

Therefore, the correct answer is:

32 parts soda water and 12 parts regular water.

To find the missing values in the table, we need to analyze the given information. The table shows the quantities of two substances, soda water and regular water, in a mixture.

Looking at the table, we can see that for soda water, the quantities are 4 parts, 16 parts, and 40 parts. For regular water, the quantities are 3 parts, 24 parts, and 30 parts.

By comparing the values in the table, we can find the missing values as follows:

- The first missing value can be found by subtracting the quantity of regular water from the quantity of soda water. In this case, it is 40 - 30 = 10 parts.
- The second missing value can be found by multiplying the quantity of regular water by the ratio between the quantities of soda water and regular water. In this case, it is 24 * (40/30) = 32 parts.

Therefore, the missing values in the table are:

- 10 parts soda water and 30 parts regular water
- 32 parts soda water and 12 parts regular water

So, the correct answer is:

32 parts soda water and 12 parts regular water.