As people pump water out of the ground, the water table can lower. Which of the following are possible consequences of a lower water table? Select the two correct answers.

a - land subsidence

b - larger aquifers

c - cleaner water

d - rising sea levels

e - saltwater intrusion

Land subsidence

Saltwater intrusion

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They are both correct!

To determine the possible consequences of a lower water table, let's analyze each option:

a - Land subsidence: When water is pumped out of the ground, the soil can compact or settle, leading to the sinking or subsidence of the land. This can occur due to the removal of water that helped support the soil structure. Therefore, option a is a possible consequence of a lower water table.

b - Larger aquifers: Aquifers are underground storage areas that hold water. When the water table is lower, it indicates that the amount of water in the aquifer has decreased. Consequently, a lower water table is not associated with larger aquifers. So, option b is not a correct answer.

c - Cleaner water: While it is true that pumping water out of the ground can reduce the contamination of water sources, a lower water table itself does not guarantee cleaner water. The cleanliness of water depends on various factors such as pollution sources and natural filtration processes. Therefore, option c is not a correct answer.

d - Rising sea levels: A lower water table does not directly contribute to rising sea levels. Rising sea levels are mainly caused by the melting of polar ice caps and thermal expansion of seawater due to global warming. So, option d is not a correct answer.

e - Saltwater intrusion: Saltwater intrusion occurs when a lower water table causes saltwater to infiltrate or mix with freshwater sources. When excessive pumping of groundwater occurs near a coastline, it can lower the freshwater level and allow saltwater to move inland, affecting wells and surface water supplies. Hence, option e is a possible consequence of a lower water table.

Therefore, the correct answers are:

a - Land subsidence
e - Saltwater intrusion